9 Type of Classroom Management Approach

In the education world, classroom management can be interpreted as the ability of the teacher to utilize the potential of the class in the form of providing the widest opportunity for each person to carry out creative and directed activities, so that the available time and funds can be efficiently used to carry out classroom activities, related to curriculum and student development.

There are 9 types of classroom management approaches that can be applied by a teacher. The various approaches are as in the following description:

1# Power Approach
Class management is defined as a process for controlling student behavior. The role of the teacher here is to create and maintain disciplinary situations in the classroom. Discipline is a force that requires students to obey it. In it there are binding powers and norms for class members to adhere to. Through power in the form of norms the teacher approaches it.

2# Threat Approach
From this threat or intimidation approach, classroom management is also a process for controlling student behavior. But in controlling student behavior is done by giving threats, for example prohibiting, ridicule, innuendo, and force. Students can be more controlled by threats. However, control occurs more because of fear.

3# Approach to Freedom
This classroom management approach is interpreted in a process to help students feel free to do something anytime and anywhere. The role of the teacher is to make the most of the students' freedom. 

By giving freedom, the teacher wants to teach students to be responsible for their own ways. But, this method is sometimes difficult to do, especially for students who are still very young. To be able to give students freedom and keep them accountable under control, the teacher must be able to get the full respect of the students. This method can also be done by increasing students' compassion towards their teacher.

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4# Cook Book
Cook Book is done by giving a list that can describe what should be and what the teacher cannot do in reacting to all problems or situations that occur in the class. The list is described step by step what the teacher must do. The role of the teacher is just to follow the instructions as written in the recipe.

5# Teaching Approach
This approach is based on the assumption that in a planning and implementation will prevent the emergence of student behavior problems, and solve the problem if it cannot be prevented. This approach encourages teacher behavior in teaching to prevent and stop the behavior of students who are not good. The role of the teacher is to plan and implement good lessons.

6# Behavioral Change Approach
In this classroom management is defined as a process for changing student behavior. The role of the teacher is to develop good student behavior, and prevent bad behavior. Behavior modification approach departs from the point of view of behavioral psychology.

Programs or activities that result in the emergence of behavior that is not good, must be tried to avoid it as a negative reinforcement that at one time will be lost from the behavior of students or teachers who are members of their class. For that, according to a good or positive behavior approach must be stimulated by giving praise or gifts that cause feelings of pleasure or satisfaction.

Conversely, behavior that is not good at implementing a class program is given sanctions or penalties that will lead to feelings of dissatisfaction and in turn these behaviors will be avoided.

7# Socio-Emotional Approach
The socio-emotional approach will be achieved maximally if good interpersonal relationships develop in the classroom. The relationship includes the relationship between teacher and student and the relationship between students.

In this case the teacher is the key to developing the relationship. Therefore teachers should develop a good classroom climate through maintaining interpersonal relationships in the classroom. For the creation of positive teacher relations with students, understanding attitude and nurturing attitude or protective attitude.

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8# Group Work Approach
In this approach, the teacher's role is to encourage group development and cooperation. Classroom management with group processes requires the ability of the teacher to create conditions that allow the group to be a productive group, and besides that the teacher must also be able to maintain that condition in order to remain good. To maintain the condition of the class the teacher must be able to maintain high enthusiasm, overcome conflicts, and reduce management problems.

9# Electic Approach
Electic approach emphasizes the potentiality, creativity, and initiative of the guardian or class teacher in choosing various approaches based on the situation they face. The use of this approach in a situation may be used either and in other situations it may have to combine and or all three approaches.

The electrical approach is also called a pluralistic approach, namely the management of classes that try to use various kinds of approaches that have the potential to be able to create and maintain a condition enabling the teaching and learning process to run effectively and efficiently.

The teacher freely chooses and combines the approach according to his abilities and as long as his intentions and uses for class management here is a set of teacher activities to create and maintain classroom conditions that allow the teaching and learning process to run effectively and efficiently.

Thus the 9 types of classroom management approach that may be implemented by a teacher. What about you? Do you have an approach to be implemented in your class?