Nature Characteristics of An Effective Leader

Each leader has different characters and styles for each individual. This of course is based on the habits and character of the individual itself. But do you know, an important component for character can influence the results of leadership performance? A leader must have nature characteristics of a effective leader for general.

Of course this character is the elemental relation of both a leader and the company's vision. Effective leaderships refers to the basis of leadership roles. Leadership means the ability to influence other people, subordinates or groups. Leadership is the ability to direct subordinate or group behavior.

Leadership means having to have special abilities or expertise in the field desired by the group, to achieve organizational or group goals. The word "effect" means having the maximum effect of what is done.

While effective leadership according to Siagian (1982) is leadership that is able to grow, maintain, and develop a cooperative business and climate in organizational life, and that is reflected in the dexterity in making decisions.

That is, leaders must be able to break through lack of urgency and lack of momentum. Then why is effective leadership important? Effective leadership is important to achieve a certain goal in an organization and company. To achieve this goal, a leader must have a good and praiseworthy character who is charismatic.

This becomes a basis as a means of convincing which is led so that they want and can carry out the tasks assigned to him willingly, full of enthusiasm, there is inner excitement, and feel forced.

Therefore, a leader who has good personality traits will be easier to be accepted by his members. Leaders with nature characteristics of an effective leader will find it easier to understand the problems faced by members when they carry out their profession.

Then what are 4 Nature Characteristics of An Effective Leader? Here's the review:

A leader must ensure from the start that all team members understand the aims and objectives of the organization. What the organization's vision and mission must be internalized in each member. This is one of the reasons why many of us find the corporate walls in the walls of the company with the company's Vision, Mission and Quality Policy. Because the top management wants all those involved in the organization to know the direction and purpose of the organization.

The team will not lose direction in spurring the organization's wheels with the phase of determining this goal at the beginning. This is the fundamental phase in the organization, and effective leaders are accustomed to implementing it.

Read also: Characteristic of Leadership, The Important Traits

All policies, decisions, information or news made by top management regarding the company's goodness must be well communicated to all team members. Many media can be used to convey it. Ordinary leaders must be used to using media e-mail, notes, official memos, chat groups, or other internal communication tools.

And for effective leaders, they are not enough. There are many reasons for effective leaders, why is that media not enough. One of them is, not all employees in the team want to read. Also reading, not necessarily all get the same understanding. Therefore effective leaders will make communication methods that are more 'intimate'. Man-to-man communication. He will meet the team directly, and make sure each team member understands what he communicates.

Effective communication is based on the existence of mutual trust between the parties involved in the communication; in this case between the leader and his subordinates. Determination of the direction of organizational goals has been made, then communicated and the communication is built on trust. How can subordinates accept and follow boss instructions if their subordinates do not 'trust' the leader. This principle is very well understood by effective leaders.

The fourth basis is accountability or accountability. Many leaders have finally failed to carry out several projects because of neglecting this basis. This is not intended to find out who is guilty of organizational failure, but is intended to hold accountable for all people involved in the organization. This principle raises the rules of the check-list; monitoring.

All employees or subordinates feel supervised so that every time they are encouraged to give their best. Even if one day they "can" feel unsupervised, their performance can still prioritize the best because they will also be accountable for their work to their superiors at the end of the job / project.

Thus Nature Characteristics of An Effective Leader that you need to understand. If you are a leader, develop these basic attitudes and you will attain success together with your team.